Backyard Organization

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Summer is nearly here and spring is in full swing. You know what that means . . . backyard chaos! This time of year, the extra time outside can feel amazing but if you don’t stay ahead of the organizing game, the backyard can quickly get out of hand with all the added fun. These backdoor organization ideas will help you breeze through summer utilizing your backyard to its full potential. We’ll start with the organizing process and then I’ll tell you about some of my favorite backyard storage ideas.

Backyard Organization Ideas

The first step for getting your backyard organized is sorting through everything.  There’s a lot of overlap between backyard objects and garage organizing, so be sure not to let this project morph into something larger if you’re not ready!

Before you begin sorting, grab a garbage bag and a few boxes. Toss anything that’s broken into the trash (or make a ‘dump’ pile if there are large items) and place anything you no longer use into the boxes for donation.

As you sort your backyard items, think in terms of zones or stations.

Common Backyard Organization Zones:

  • Kids Toys & Equipment
  • Yard Work Equipment
  • Gardening
  • Food & Drink
  • Entertaining

After sorting, be sure to purge what you can right away — don’t wait! Haul donations to your favorite dropoff spot and take a load to the dump if needed. This will create momentum in your project and clear out the area.

Next, decide where your zones will go based on their functionality. Toys should be down low and accessible so kids can put them away themselves (yay!). Yard equipment should stay together, entertaining supplies can stay near the patio, garden supplies can go — well, near the garden! You get the idea!

You’ve sorted, created zones, and decided on a space for each category. Now it’s time for the fun part — storage!

Backyard Storage Ideas

There are endless ideas for backyard storage on Pinterest, but be cautious not to bite off more than you can chew.  Amazing pictures of beautiful storage systems often mean loads of extra work.  Instead, keep things simple and use what you have before deciding to make or buy something elaborate.

A few tips before you start:

  • As you set up storage areas, label what you can so everyone knows where things belong. Make everything obvious to others so they can keep up with new systems.
  • Decide where things should go based on where you would look for it.
  • Leave empty space because there’s almost always more to store!

Kids Toys & Equipment

The key with toy storage is to make it easy for children to put their own things away. I realize that may not always happen, but at least you tried!

Water Toy Storage

This can be one of the most challenging backyard organization categories! They often take up a lot of space and need a place to dry. Be sure to store water toys separately from other items and include hooks or rods to hang things to dry before storing.

Bike, Scooter, & Toy Vehicle Storage

A simple bike stand can keep things orderly and creates a place for kids to park their rides. Though I just warned against big Pinterest projects, I do love this Covered Kiddie Car Parking Garage that works to hide large colorful plastic items you may not want all over the yard.  

Sports Equipment Storage

Keep things together based on how you’ll use them. Racks, barrels, & bins work well for this category but be sure to label the containers you use so everyone can put things back where they belong.

Yard Work & Gardening Storage

Tools & Equipment

If possible, use an outdoor shed to store frequently used items. This will keep them out of your garage. Hang long-handled tools like rakes, shovels, weed eaters, etc. Small items can be placed in sturdy well-marked bins or on a shelving unit.


I recommend keeping a hose at each outdoor spigot you use throughout the summer so you don’t have to haul them back and forth. Utilize a simple hose hanger or storage bin to keep them contained. Sprinklers & hose attachments should be stored nearby if possible.

Food, Drink, & Entertaining

Love to host outdoor BBQs? Or simply eat outside with your family a lot when the weather is nice? If you have space, keep some of the basics nearby in a patio cabinet. Napkins, utensils, or any other outdoor patio items can be contained and out of sight.

Create an In & Out Station

Are there things you’re always running inside for? Sunscreen? Towels? Picnic blanket? Make an In & Out Station by keeping a bin or bucket at the back door where these things can live. Teach your family the new system so you don’t find everything scattered all over the backyard the next time you need it!


Backyard organization may feel like an overwhelming task, but just remember to keep it simple by tackling it one zone at a time. After all, some organization is better than none. Let me know how it goes in the comments!

Enjoy this beautiful sunshine!


With the 4th of July approaching, check out this post: How to Organize a Last Minute 4th of July Party!

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