4 Step Process to Achieve Home Organization

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Whether due to a lack of time, ability, or inclination, staying or becoming organized can be difficult. In today’s world, people extend themselves by working long hours, participating in extra-curricular activities for themselves or family members, time obligations, and so much more. Often, the task of organization slowly gets pushed further and further down the To Do list until eventually it no longer gets added to the list.

When people finally realize that action needs to be taken, they have two options: hire a professional or do it themselves. Hiring a professional is time efficient but depending on the space, can become expensive as costs range from $45-$150 per hour.  Doing it yourself is possible by following this four-step process to achieve home organization:

  • Step 1: Create More Chaos

The first step to organizing is to remove everything from a space and categorize it into >organized< piles. For example, let’s say you’re starting in your bathroom. You’ll pull everything from your bathroom cabinets, drawers, closets, etc. and place in piles by use: shower, face, dental, hair, soaps, lotions, makeup, and so forth. 

  • Step 2: Declutter Your Home

After everything is laid out in front of you in organized piles, pull the items that are to be trashed, recycled, donated, returned, or sold. I like to do this step as I’m doing step 1, but if it’s too overwhelming, make it a separate step.

You’ll also be able to see how many of each item you currently own. So, if 7 staplers make it to a categorized pile of office supplies, ask yourself the hard question: do you want to keep all 7 staplers? Or do you perhaps always ignore one or two to grab your “favorite”? Does one always jam, and it takes more time fixing it than actually using it? Perhaps a few can be donated/trashed or taken to the work office. 

  • Step 3: Organize Your Space

Finally, once belongings have been reduced, it’s time to place the “items to keep” back into an assigned space, or “home”. I highly recommend utilizing containers and bins and labeling to help you (and everyone else in your home) maintain the organized systems.

Lastly, think of the areas that are easily accessible as prime real estate.  Place the most often used items in these areas.  If you only use the turkey roasting pan once per year, don’t make its home in the cabinet closest to the stove. It can be stored up high or in the back of a deep cabinet. 

  • Step 4: Reset. Reset. Reset.

The most important step to any organizing plan is the Reset. What do I mean by reset? Simply put, this means that you have to return all items to their assigned home (view Step 3). Because we all know there will be days we arrive home from work, or a trip, and we simply have no energy to put away the shoes or dishes from lunch or unpack our suitcase. So, it will sit there for hours, maybe days.

The key is to create a plan and follow that plan.  Options: every Sunday before the workweek begins, every evening before bed, every morning while the coffee is brewing. Stay on top of the reset (and remember to have SO’s, children, roommates, etc., help). 


After learning this quick four-step process to achieve organization greatness, do you feel ready to tackle your first room? Give it a try!

If you feel like you need assistance or are overwhelmed, contact Status: Organized. I understand that many people lack the luxury of time, ability, or inclination to declutter a space and am happy to help transform your spaces for you!


Looking for a little more detail in organization methods, check out this blog post: How to Organize Your Kitchen in a Weekend

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